An unbelievably backwards thinking, feces spewing vice presidential candidate with aims to allow rapists parenthood rights and bring american women the same rights as the Taliban.
Paul Ryan will do his best to make women second class citizens and bring his Christian flavored Talibanian ideals into law.
by Johan The Destroyer September 11, 2012
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Slut for the top 1% wealthy elite. Veep candidate for the Rich Flip Flopper Mormon. Thinks tax cut giveaways to the wealthy help to cut the deficit, just as George Dubya Bush thought. Supported the T.A.R.P. bailout when Bush's economic policies all came crashing down in 2008. Now he wants to repeat the same Bush failed policies.
Mitt Romney can't seem to close the deal with the rabid far right wing of his party so he's going with Paul Ryan as his running mate. Like John McCain's Sarah Palin pick however, it won't work.
by 4798 August 11, 2012
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(Noun) A mixture of semen and tears.
She had Paul Ryan all over her and it was hilarious.
by Din of Inequity September 6, 2012
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Verb: to fill something with foul, Taco Bell-esque excrement
Adjective: to be full of said excrement
My baby just Paul Ryaned her diaper, her diaper is Paul Ryan-y.
by warriorpooflinger August 30, 2012
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A completely flaccid penis
Yeah I had a tinder date last night, but when things got hot and heavy he had a total Paul Ryan on.
by RIP BABY BOOMERS December 2, 2017
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A sex act which involves slamming "Atlas Shrugged" on your wang and using it to jerk off.
Oh man my first college roommate was such a tool that I swear to God I caught him doing the Paul Ryan one day when I came home early from class.
by Punditos Maximos March 13, 2017
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A man of imposing physical stature and intellect that repeatedly cowers to smaller, weaker, and less intelligent bullies
Congressional Republicans won’t perform their constitutional oversight duties of the administrative branch because they’re led by fuckin Paul Ryans
by IntlManoMystery August 20, 2018
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